Friday, April 10, 2009

14 Tips to reduce belly fat

As Featured On EzineArticles

In my previous discussion I have mentioned about the possible health problems you may acquire by having a pot belly. So why are you waiting for? Try to reduce it as early as possible. Here are some tips.

Take small and frequent meals. Don’t overeat at one meal.

Cut down the intake of carbohydrate rich food instead concentrate more on vegetables and fruits.

Do not skip any meal. Because you may tend to eat more in your next meal

Do not sleep during the day time specially after a heavy meal.

Keep all your stress at bay when you are eating. Enjoy your food.

Walk as much as possible throughout the day, use your car as less as possible.

Always take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Whenever possible stand instead of sitting .If you are desk bound at work, stand up when you are on the phone, walkover
to give messages to colleagues rather than using e-mail or phone.

Have enough fluid not only water but also in the form of vegetable juice , clear soup, butter milk , lemon water etc.

Have as less sweet (even sugar) as possible .

Do not wait till you are extremely hungry, to prevent that always opt for frequent feeding.

Do not fall asleep soon after dinner as sleep slows down the body’s metabolism and you tend to burn fewer calories and accumulate fat. Instead , have a light dinner and give yourself

2-3 hour gap before going to bed.

Try to control your sensory stimulated appetite.

Remember, to lose tummy you cannot solely depend on diet but to forgo some physical activity also . Physiotherapist or yoga therapist will be the right person to tell you on what kind of physical activity will be appropriate for you depending on your body condition.


  1. can you please help me out i am gaining wait even after doing regular walk for an hour everyday.

    the reason being the night shift i eat in night and sleep in day
    any suggestions my email id :

  2. Keep posting such useful and healthy information.
